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Being able to easily re-order tasks by priority directly from the list view
I intensively rely on priorities. Time is always a limited and valuable resource. Thus, the programmers that I work with need (and demand) to know at all times what is the next task they have to focus on.

I would like to have a way to easily re-order tasks by priority directly from the list view here:


This could be done using an AJAX based drag and drop interface or using a more traditional approach based on "arrow up", "arrow down" to re-sort tasks.

If you need this feature as much as I do, please submit your vote so the nice people behind Bugtrack chooses to implement it.



User Interface
  List & My Staff
Pedro Murillo
Date Created
2/21/2008 12:38:24 AM
Date Updated
5/11/2011 8:35:44 AM
New Idea
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Miguel Berrozpe 1/3/2009 12:36:44 PM
Good idea. I suggest to implement it by priority and by status. If the filter does not say otherwise, OPENED and RESOLVED issues all mix up, whereas normally you would want a quick "re-sort" option to push the resolved ones at the bottom.
Caroline Berrie 10/22/2009 8:25:05 AM
Could we take this a step further and have the ability to select what you sort on and in what order so you could have client in alphabetical order, status, priority etc..
Matthew Hesse 7/29/2010 12:56:13 PM
I like the idea, and even more so with robust "sort by" options.
Heuer, Boris 5/11/2011 8:35:44 AM
Another way on how to allow customized sorting it to take a similar approach like MS Excel does, where you can define complex sorting by configuring the columns to sort and for each one even the sort order.
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