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Edit, Move, Reassign, Resolve and Close via a single interface.
Edit, Move, Reassign, Resolve and Close via a single interface. Currently, several of these operations use different web forms, and must be completed as separate steps.
User Interface
  Issue Edit
Lukas Bower
Date Created
3/20/2007 2:03:43 AM
Date Updated
9/28/2012 4:29:21 AM
New Idea
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Promoted By
Hagn, KonradDomkin, AlexanderGerry Dermody
Mirreza, MehrdadSteve GardnerLars Holdgaard
Matthew HesseNavita: Maurycy WideraGert-Jan Bakelaar
Robyn WilliamsMiguel BerrozpeCaroline Berrie
Simone LarcheBoris HeuerGavin Chan
Barbara BernardinLukas Bower
Barbara Bernardin 4/4/2007 5:22:24 PM
It would be particularly useful to be able to Reassign at the same time as performing an edit, resolution, or closure.
Gavin Chan 7/28/2007 1:28:33 AM
For our company, when reassign from project manager->programmer->tester->project manager. During this process, normally the phases need to be change. Eg. Open->Develop->Test->Live etc. Hence, it would be really helpful if we can change the phases when reassign. Currently, we need to go to edit the phases and then reassign to the next person.
Simone Larche 1/21/2008 5:13:46 AM
It would be very useful to be able to resolve and close at the same time. VERY annoying to have to do this twice
Miguel Berrozpe 1/3/2009 1:12:22 PM
Personally I agree that "Edit" option should be available simultaneously with all other steps, and that "Move" and "Reassign" could and even SHOULD be one single mask, as they involve transfering ownership to different project/area/person.

However, I'm skeptic about "shortcutting" other steps of the Workflow into a single mask, especially RESOLVE and CLOSE. I think the idea of separating RESOLVE from CLOSE is deliberate, in the very workflow of BugTrack. The issue initiator is normally the one that has to confirm that the issue is truly closed; NOT the guy who often "believes" he/she has resolved the issue, but in reality (and often more than half of the times!!) has not.

Otherwise you end up with issues "prematurely" closed without the issue initiaror having had a chance to confirm that they even have been resolved in the first place!

Of course, BugTrack seems to work OK in that the resolved issues flow back to the "basket" of the initiator, relieving the "resolver".
Simone Larche 1/5/2009 3:18:56 AM
That's true about the fact that the initiator should close it but some of us work in environments where, because they don't look at it every day like we do, the initiators forget to close it down and our tracking time looks bad. So maybe a way round would be to have this configurable by site or project so that we could say whether issues can be resolved and closed at the same time or not.
BUGtrack Support  Staff  1/5/2009 8:44:06 AM
Issues can be closed right after being resolved as long as the person who resolved the issue is authorized to close issues even if he/she is not an admin or a record initiator.
Frank Anderson 1/15/2009 7:57:25 AM
I agree that Resolve and close are two steps, but an additional button option "Resolve and Close" would allow you to do it in one or two as needed.
Miguel Berrozpe 1/15/2009 8:09:43 AM
An extra button Resolve and Close would be great, as long as, obviously (and as for all other buttons), it would be visible ONLY to the users whose Role authorizes both resolving and closing. Then, it is up to each organizational environment, in the definition of Roles, to allow or not a same user to resolve, close, or both.
Matthew Hesse 4/16/2010 9:23:49 AM
I, too, agree with the permissions-based Resolve-and-Close option.

In my case, I would never assign it except to Admins (for ticket cleanup) as our policy is to always give the person who Opens the ticket the sole right/responsibility to Close (upon review of justification/root cause analysis of Resolution).
Lars Holdgaard 4/29/2011 3:28:21 AM
I absolutely agree with this - it is painful to do so manually and promotes mistakes
Kirill Bondar  Staff  9/28/2012 4:29:21 AM
Merged with:
191 - Able to change phase when reassign
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