Purpose: "Version" field allows to identify product version number, in which record should be resolved (for example, it will be fixed in Beta-2). We supposed to use "Versions" (fix-for) to allow for project manager to assign deadline for developers or testers to fix a particular group of records (bugs). For example, project manager decided that it is necessary to fix certain group of records before release of Beta-2, and now it is easy for him to filter bugs by fix-for criteria and to control bug-fixing process. It will also help him to estimate time to meet a deadline.
Scope: Field is both "global" and "Project"-specific (each "Project" may have its own "Versions" list).
"Assignable" status can be used to prevent assigning new records to specified "Version":
Optional deadline date may be associated with "Version" to allow tracking the project schedule:
The system will display colorized "Versions" statistics based on the deadline date:
"Versions" that are 7 days before the deadline will be displayed in yellow. Past due "Versions" are displayes in red.