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Provide a summary box for each record
We often have the problem that records (mostly feature requests) contain discussions or other irrelevant information for the developer or tester. They have to read the whole history, but actually need one paragraph that clearly describes what has to be done.

To address this problem I propose to add a summary box (call it summary, final, abstract, briefing, conclusion, whatever matches better your needs on a specific record type).

In order to make sure this summary is up-to-date i.e. it contains the last ideas and discussion results, it has to be either connected graphically to the last post before the summary was modified, or get marked somehow (different background color, a special icon, etc.) as "needs review". A special role e.g. "moderator" or "owner" is authorized to update the summary then.

The summary can be version controlled and have a diff facility like the admin edits.

Having this feature and having report types that show the latest summary of the records, we'll be able to do our entire requirement engineering, or talking agile, the whole user story management with BUGtrack.
User Interface
  Issue Edit
Mirreza, Mehrdad
Date Created
9/17/2013 4:06:12 AM
Date Updated
9/17/2013 4:06:12 AM
New Idea
Promoted By
Mirreza, Mehrdad
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