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Taxometer needed.
Good day

As a development management tool, could I suggest a taxometer? This will enhance management and agents for which calls are assigned to monitor and assess how much of their daily time has been spent on logs. Either this or the option to add a taxometer.


With estimates in the system it is very easy to enter any elapsed time of your choice. If you spent 10 Hrs on an estimated call of 7 Hrs, you can enter 7 hrs dis honestly and the remaining hours go unaccounted for. A taxometer will enable permormance monitoring and highlight areas where production can be improved or process problems can be accurately shown.

In detail:

1. When a new ticket gets created until closed, the first taxometer starts counting in Days, HH:MM.
2. Each user to have pre-allocated hours per day assigned by Admin or manager. Therefore "edit taxometer" should be available as permission setting.
3. When call is created by user, a second taxometer to count down from pre-allocated hours against the user. (Either this or taxometer to count how long the call has been with the user) actively ticking.
4. Each time a call is assigned to a user, the taxometer activates against that user's name.
5. Only when a call is closed, does the taxometer stop.
6. Estimates should not affect the taxometer. A separate option could be made available to link a taxometer to estimates.

In summary, I think to make development easier:

1. Taxometer component that can be implemented with following options:
1.1 Count down
1.2 Count Up
1.3 Permission assignment
1.4 Link to Estimates (Yes/No)
1.5 Available in reports.

This is a mouth full but the MAIN thing is a taxometer is needed.

Should you need more Info I will be very glad to assist.

Kind regards

Awie Buitendag
Ultisales Retail Software / Argility
Date Created
11/15/2010 2:17:18 AM
Date Updated
11/15/2010 2:17:18 AM
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