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Estimate field summary
Date Created
6/8/2004 5:11:03 AM
Date Updated
6/23/2004 11:48:54 AM
Estimate field summary
Estimate field allows to identify original, current, elapsed and remain time required to resolve the record.

"Original" time estimate entered once and can't be changed.

If it takes longer or shorten to resolve the record user can correct "Current" time estimate. To specify how much time was spent to resolve this record "Elapsed" time should be used.

System will automaticaly calculate "Remain" time as diffirence between "Current" and "Elapsed" time.

"Original" and "Current" inputs are needed to evaluate how close is planning to reality.

See also:
How to specify "Estimate" measurement?
How to turn off "Estimate" field for all projects?
How to turn off "Estimate" field for the specific project?
How to restrict access to "Estimate" field for the specific users role?
How to edit record's "Estimate" field value?
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