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Sending Bug to Multiple People
Date Created
11/7/2002 10:48:07 AM
Date Updated
4/7/2010 3:48:26 AM
Is it possible to set the system up to allow the capability to send a bug to more than one person at the same time.
I agree that the "assigned to" person needs to be one at a time, however, it would save a whole lot of emails to allow some way to bring people actively into the discussion.
There are a couple of ways to comply with current BUGtrack logic – "bug shouldn’t have more than one current owner".

You may create a distribution list in MS Exchange for a particular department or group of people (if there is no such list already there). Then create a user in the BUGtrack as a department user and assign that group email address to that user. Now all the people in the list will receive emails, and everyone of them can log in as a department user and take the necessary actions.

There is also another solution:
Create a special user in BUGtrack for the group of people and enter multiple email addresses separated by “;” into email address field.
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